unexplained origins….

Well this week was quite interesting… Isabella had a fever Tuesday morning.  Nikki called the pediatrician and took her in.  They really couldn’t find anything obviously wrong with her so it was officially a fever of unexplained origins…  At her age (<2 month, just, she’s now over 2 months!) that meant a trip to Hasbro Children’s hospital in Providence.  I raced down to meet them at a park and ride to help drive into the city.  We got back up to Hasbro and got checked in where they started monitoring Isabella.  All I can say is Hasbro is one hell of a hospital!  I NEVER want to go there again, but they really do know how to take care of kids AND their parents…  Well Isabella needed to give a blood and urine sample.  The whole time we were there they were also checking her temp which was high, but around 100.3.  Her white cell count came back slightly high, but nothing alarming, so they also did a spinal tap.  That also wasn’t abnormal, so they opted to have us stay the night in the PICU for observation.   Everyone was super nice even though we were stressed out.  GiGi came and got Elias and he stayed over at their house for the night.  Ever since we went up to the PICU, everything was fine all night and into the next day, so that was basically that.  Turns out poor Isabella was basically constipated with maybe a slight stomach bug, but nothing else, so she IS fine and really WAS fine.  Everything just went according to the plan the Drs and Hospitals have put in place if you’re <2 months and have a fever they can’t figure out the cause of…  So a big thank you to everyone involved, and we’re very grateful it was only an overnight and everything was alright.

In other news, Elias and David, the boy next door, are quickly becoming good friends.  Now that it’s nice out they’re both playing in their yards and eyeing the toys the other guy has (they have a swingset, we have a tree house).  So they’re now yard hopping and looking for each other anytime they’re outside together.  That’s been a bunch of fun.  And My parents are on their way back from Antigua and have gone through Bermuda already, so my Mom is VERY excited to see Isabella for the first time and Elias is very excited to see his Bumpa and Ganny again!

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