Portuguese Feast!

Well we had a great weekend this weekend.  Friday night was the Portuguese Feast near Nikki’s parent’s house at the Portsmouth PAC.  It’s been a tradition that we go every year and get chourico sandwiches, but with Elias being a bit over three now the rides have really become the main event.  We had a miscommunication between myself and Pop Pop and ended up with twice the tickets I’d usually buy, but Elias had ZERO problems burning through them all going on all the rides a few times.  From there, Saturday I got to get out on sluff² for another fun sail, this time Dad and I got my Mom out for her first viper ride.  Then Sunday was a memorial for Nikki’s cousin Justin which was a nice gathering, and Elias and I got to cool off in the pool afterward.

2 thoughts on “Portuguese Feast!

  1. Are you getting the square format shots then with the square format camera pictured?
    I like ’em, alot.

    Love Isabella’s swimming outfit, and Elias has “‘tude” in his wings and red water board

    • The square format shots are actually iPhone shots. It’s hard to believe, but they make AWESOME P&S replacements. If you look carefully there are two different looks to the square pictures, one is from Nikki’s iPhone using on app, the other look is from mine using a different app. The phones actually shoot in normal aspect ratio, but we crop in camera/phone to 1:1.

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