Isabella’s third week update!

OK, I probably need to come up with some better names for these blog posts, but you’re here for the pictures anyway am I right? Not a whole lot to report this week. Isabella went to here 2 week checkup on Monday where she was 9lbs 4oz and 22.25″ long(if not I’ll be told to update this tomorrow!). She’s really doing well, and so far (knock on wood) she’s been an easier baby than Elias was. She’s only waking Nikki once a night for a feeding so they’re both doing pretty well with their sleep. Nikki’s feeling pretty good and looking great. She’s been walking during the week and on weekend the whole family is now walking together, and ~2 miles at that.  Katie and Hayden were also nice enough to bring us all lunch Saturday.  It was a blast letting the boys tire themselves out for a few hours while the girls caught up.  Elias was out cold for ~3 hours after they left.  Spring is also working on spring as it’s been nice this weekend, although we had a WICKED thunder and lightning storm with a TON of rain last night. Enjoy the photos!

4 thoughts on “Isabella’s third week update!

  1. Great shots. I love your style of photography and it inspires me to take my DSLR out more. Could you give me a break down of what lenses you are using for each of these shots? I see you own a 24L and I’m curious which ones are taken with that and which are taken with your 17-40. I’m looking at wide angle and I’m not sure which would be a better first purchase. Thanks!

    • For all the baby/kid shots it’s either the 24L or a sigma 85mm 1.4. For my landscapes it’s almost always my 17-40, but I also have a 70-300 I use then I need the reach. All my images should have their exifs intact though, so you can look at all the info.


  2. Hi
    I ended up into you webste while searching how to install nextgen into my website. I like you pics. I don’t know you and your family, but your baby’s eyes talk to me. Congrats

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