Show us your teeth!

Debbie taught Elias a new trick Friday…  “Show us your teeth!” gets us a big toothy grin now and most of the time he does an obnoxious head tilt with it.  It’s actually hysterical to watch.  Once you ask him he keeps grinning at you showing you his teeth for a few minutes.  This has also gotten my camera access to all three of his current teeth (the second top tooth will be here any day now).

You’ll also notice Nikki’s taking some pics IN my pics this week…  She’s been into photography for a while now (took classes way back when she went to BCC).  But she’s now asked me about getting her own camera that’s “smaller and lighter than yours but still a “real camera””.  Well with my connections on photography forums I was easily able to trade my backup body (that I rarely use and was about to sell anyway) for her ideal camera.  We also borrowed a similar camera from a friend of mine so she could “test drive” it this week.  We’ve downloaded her shots into iPhoto (wow, easiest photo software ever!) and hopefully we can find some time to process them and share them this coming week…  This will be nice because I’ll be able to get INTO some more shots instead of always taking them.

I also managed to get a few videos this week:


this one’s a bit out of focus, but it’s still worth posting because these are the noises Elias makes while enjoying a meal:

Elias eating peas. from Ben Jacobsen on Vimeo.

I also had another bus trip yesterday. Actually I went snowboarding again, but same difference. I didn’t take my camera with me though because I didn’t feel like bringing out the big camera and after breaking the P&S last week it’s my only option. It was actually a good decision as it was no warmer than 5 degrees all day and it was VERY windy… Not good conditions for photography on the mountain. It was a good trip to Stowe though, 2~4″ of snow the night before (making my trips 4 for 4 for new snow, this being the least new snow). The wind had blown most of the snow off the trails, but if you knew where to find it, we were able to find drifts up to our boot tops. Not sure how, but I was able to ride until 3:35pm with only one brief stop for Jeff (the other escort on the bus) to warm up. Typically I go in for lunch and quit at 3pm, but somehow I made it much longer yesterday even though I’m certainly not in good skiing/riding shape.

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