EAJ 46 week update!

Well it’s really been winter this past week.  It’s been cold, then frigid, then cold again, and now it’s “warm” (~25) and snowing.  I don’t mind the snow in the least, but cold and windy can get old even for me.  Nikki got a bit of cabin fever today when Elias only slept for 30 minutes of his second nap.  By then it was “warm” so we decided to go for a walk.  We actually had a nice walk around the neighborhood w/o seeing any cars on the road, but quite a few people.  The other news with Elias this week is that he’s got a new trick.  He’s eating more “real” food chopped up into small bite sized pieces, but he’s realized Moseley and Karat get the scraps on the floor.  Well he likes the animals, and now whenever we call them in for an initial mess, he’ll intentionally throw more food on the floor just for them…..  His other new trick he was picking up at dinner tonight is giving five.  He did it to me repeatedly tonight, so we’ll see if it’s really a new trick or just luck…

As for us, we’ve also got a new toy in the house.  I’ve been waiting for this for ages (more than a year at least) but we finally got a new computer and it’s…….. a ……… MAC!!!  Yep, we’re converts.  And yes this will be another bit of a technoweenie post, but it’s AWESOME.  My parents run them on the boat, my sister got one last year, and both my grandmothers have them now.  I’ve never disliked them, but the lack of software was always a concern for me.  Well now that they’re intel based it’s the best of both worlds really as you can run windows on the mac to get to anyting you’re missing (plus, honestly, I doubt I’ll really miss anything).  Plus, that whole “they just work” deal is mostly true.  Sure, there’s always setup issues, but we’ve got it going pretty well now, and what they do do so well is handle media…  This computer is amazing for watching the videos we have of Elias, it’s better for editing all the images (mostly faster) and it’s got a wicked screen.  Like just amazing…  Check out the shot of the 2 computers, old and new, next to each other on the desk…  We went from a 17″ monitor to a 24, and also, check out the keyboard difference….  Using the old computer, even to just grab old files, has been comical now.  So far we’re thrilled with it, so if any of you reading this are considering the switch, feel free to ask any questions.  Also, GRANDMOTHERS!!!  We need to figure out a good time to hook up with each other on iChat so you can see Elias first hand.  Same for you Jess & Ben since we all have macs now.

2 thoughts on “EAJ 46 week update!

  1. About time you joined the club! Welcome…I have tried you on iChat several times but you always ignore me…AGDskier (think sorority not a good skier haha) Hope you are doing well. Love, Jess

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