
Nikki came down at 12:30 this morning (I was watching TV on the couch) with some interesting news. She was woken up by a cramp and went to the bathroom… While there the “plug” fell out into the toilet and she had “show”(both signs something could be starting, google them if you must)… So now we’ve been timing cramps/contractions and I’m guessing this will be the last post…

12:29, cramp #1

12:47, cramp #2

12:54, cramp #3

01:00, cramp #4

01:04, cramp #5

01:08, cramp #6

01:14, cramp #7

01:18, cramp #8……

So I’m turning this off to pack it up. I’ve been running between this and Nikki just to get this posted… Not sure when we’ll be going in to the hospital, but I’d bet by the time any of you are up reading this we’ll there. We’ll update this when we can, but no guarantees.

8 thoughts on “Today?!

  1. Good luck!! Tell Nikki she has a whole bunch of people who don’t even know her rooting for her!!!

  2. It’s about time! Good luck hope things go well! Can’t wait to see the little guy. And since when are contractions called cramps. You make them sound like a pulled muscle or something and I am pretty sure Nikki would not agree with that.

  3. We called them cramps because Nikki described them as similar to menstrual cramps. Now we know they really were contractions, but I just wrote what was described to me.

  4. Congratulations and best wishes from the extended Abrams family in Naples, Florida. How long before Elias can assist at the practice so Ken can have more time to ride?

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