Long Weekend!

3/18/2008 I shot this when I got home tonight. It’s Elias in his crib swaddled. It seems this helps him sleep in his crib a bit better. He loves sleeping on either of us, but sometimes when we set him in the crib alone he wakes right up… Who knows though, maybe it’s just each day is different.

3/19/2008 We gave Elias his second bath tonight. It wasn’t as “fun” as his first. He seemed pretty upset as soon as we got his clothes off until he was dressed again. He’s still cute as a button though.

3/20/2008 Got home from work a bit late tonight and not too inspired to shoot anything creative. Elias was in his papasan when I got home and he seems to really like the vibrations from it. It’s been a huge help for us when one of us is unavailable (for Nikki when I’m working or for me when Nikki’s sleeping). You can strap Elias into it and switch it on and he’s “safe”. When I use it I’ll be doing something where I can’t hold him (cooking?!) so I put him in it where I can see him (usually the kitchen floor) so I can use both hands. It’s been a huge help so far.

Good Friday!

I have today off which has been quite nice. Nikki and I have had a nice slow day. We woke up to feed Elias around 8am, then I let Nikki sleep while Elias and I watched Long Way Round on TV downstairs. Then after his second feeding Nikki’s co-worker Kerrie stopped by to meet the little man. It was nice for Nikki to have someone visit from work so she could talk about some grown up things. After that we ran 3 errands, so it was the whole family in the car for a big trip (Block Buster, CVS, then Dave’s). Dave’s (the local grocery store) was PACKED which made it more interesting. Elias rode on the top of the cart in his car seat. We’re now home and looking forward to seeing the movies we picked up.

Tomorrow is another big day, we’re thinking of going for a walk around the neighborhood!!! 😆 Then Sunday we’ll be off to the Stinton’s for Elias’ first Easter. I’ll be sure to take plenty of pictures the rest of the weekend.

The Ciszewskis came over!

Red rover, red rover send the Ciszewskis over? Did I spell it right? Well Katie and Matt finally made it over. Of course Hayden came too! It wasn’t for lack of trying, they passed a stomach bug around their house then waited a week to be sure it was clear. THANK YOU! We had a great time. They brought over lunch AND some hand me downs which were both very appreciated. We had a great time talking about what’s going on and asking plenty of questions. It was weird to see how Hayden all of a sudden seems big since he’s the first kid we’ve really know and watched grow up.


We went to the Stinton’s for Easter. We had the opportunity to get 4 generations together for the first time. That’s Elias’ first meeting with a great grandmother. That’s Vovo, Nikki’s mother’s mom who is 96! We had a wonderful afternoon with everyone and had a great dinner. We also made it out for a walk for the first time. We went to the end of the street and it was the family’s first walk together. Nikki felt good and Elias seemed to like the movement. He was out like a light the entire time except for a few seconds when Nikki stopped. He woke up, cried, then fell right back to sleep as soon as he was moving again. Can’t wait for more walks!

Elias eating his hand:

Not sure what else to say tonight. I took this while changing Elias. He was awake and hungry enough he figured he’d try solid foods… He also was pretty hungry tonight. He seemed to want to eat at least every other hour. Tough on Nikki as she usually catches a morning nap and evening nap and she missed the late nap tonight due to 2 feedings back to back.

Elias with Daddy!

I got to spend a bunch of time with Elias tonight. As soon as I got home he was just finishing his dinner. Nikki handed him over for some tummy time while she heated up some leftovers for dinner (meatloaf, thanks Deb!). Then after another feeding I got to spend another 2 hours with him while Nikki napped after Idol. Karat also joined us on my legs, so I was smothered and loved it.

10 thoughts on “Long Weekend!

  1. Dear Nikki and Ben,

    I have had such fun watching Elias grow. Also thanks to Marnie and Ben’s cousin Anne, my sister has been able to see the pictures. She is the baby’s Great. Great Aunt Barbara.

    Love, Nanoo

  2. Hi Jacobsen FAMILY!!
    We have been tuning in often to see the updates on Elias. He is the most beautiful little boy! You are enjoying him so much and that is a wonderful thing- thanks for sharing him with us all – congratulations again.

    Ben- I know you are the photographer, and you take such wonderful shots of everyone else, but you must get Nikki to take some shots of you and Elias too!! You will want some to look back on one day.

    Love, Uncle Mike and Aunt Di

  3. Great shots Ben. I love the ones of Hayden too especially with Katie. He is super cute as well. Love the shot of Nikki looking over her shoulder with Elias on her chest. They both look great. Hope you guys are doing well. Glad to hear you got out for a walk. Have fun. Love. Jess

  4. Nice, you actually let someone else take a photo! Amazing. I think Elias is thinking “who is this hairy monster and why do I have to lie on his chest” I thought you shave your beard in the spring? Or are you trying to impersonate Brett Favre? Haha! Happy Birthday (tomorrow)!!!

  5. Happy Birthday man, and whats with the beard. LOL LOL
    Great to finally see a picture of you and your son.

  6. Hey Guys, Congratttsss!!!!!!
    Baby is adorable, I am so happy for you both:)
    Little Margot is 3 weeks old and some day we will all get sleep
    All the best
    Sheri (new england action sports)

  7. he is a keeper. can’t wait to see him in person. won’t be long now. before i kidnap him so watch out!!!

  8. This baby is adorable.I just received this email.I have aol,but don’t use it very often.My real email is with bellsouth.Very few people email me on aol.I just wanted to tell you I received.The pictures of Elias are great. He really is a good looking boy.I can see a little of his grandfather Andy.Congratluations . Love Josie

  9. Hayden is such a beautiful child-just like mom and dad! Can’t wait to see him and Elias become buddies.

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