Elias Chillaxing with his Daddy!

This shot is of Elias on the couch late at night with Dad. When I get home from work, I get to hang out with Elias as much as possible while Nikki tried to rest as much as she can. This usually mean Elias gets “tummy time” with Dad while I watch TV, a movie, or surf the internet. It’s a lot of fun for me because I don’t get to spend that much time with Elias during the week, so the few hours I do have I spend with him. I’ll keep him asleep so Nikki can catch a nap, then change him and bring him up for his late night feeding.

Below is a gallery of random shots from our P&S digital camera. Some are by me and some are by Nikki. I generally use my big camera for the PAD shots, so these images all come from not DLing the images from the little camera until the weekend.

Ben turns 30!!!!!!

Yep, I’m officially old! I turned 30 today. Debbie and Andy came over for a nice small “party”/dinner. We ordered pizza in which made it easy. Debbie was over to take Nikki to her doctors appointment any and Andy came by after work. We had a great little party and the girls had picked up a delicious ice cream cake. I got a bunch of cards in the mail from family and had a nice quiet celebration. I do feel a bit older for some reason. Usually birthday’s don’t phase me, but for some reason saying I’m 30 makes me feel old. Interesting.

Late night feeding.

Elias’ schedule seems to be that he gets fed once “late night” (between 10 and midnight, usually around 11pm) and one “early morning” (somewhere between late night and 7am, you’d have to ask Nikki for specifics). He’s had a few longer nights where he’s gone 6 hours w/o getting up. Nikki isn’t sure if she should wake him or not, but when it’s at night and she’s also asleep she has no problems letting him sleep. After his feedings he require burping or he’ll be very gassy which will wake him up. Here you can see Nikki rocking him to sleep in the glider.

Elias also got to go to the doctors again today. He now weighs 10lbs 9oz and is 22″+. The doctor was very pleased with everything he saw and said he’s right on track, but he’s going to be a big boy (no BIG surprise there right?). I’ve also included another gallery below. It’s full of some shots from Debbie’s digital camera. She brought it over and let me grab her shots for the site:

2 new youtube videos and a blog update!

I’ve been trying to get everything all caught up this morning on the blog. You’ll notice the 3 posts below are all new, but have the correct dates on them… You can post date posts with wordpress, so those all went up today, but I dated them for the day the pictures were taken. It’s the only way I can really keep everything updated daily. So no, you didn’t miss them the last few days, I’m just sneaky.

I also took some time this morning to upload 2 move videos to youtube. I have a new youtube plugin for the blog that lets me post videos that works quite well. All I have to do it type youtube: then put in the url with it inside [ ] to the video. Enjoy!

Ahhh weekends!

I love weekends. Even if we “don’t do anything” it means we get to get some things done around the house, and it means I get to spend time with both Nikki and Elias. Today was one of those days where you really don’t do anything, and you really don’t get much done, but you have a great day anyway. I posted the youtube videos in the morning. Then I went for a 8 mile 30 minute bike ride. After that I spent some more time with Nikki and Elias. After that I ran some errands and then we gave Elias a bath at the end of the day. He’s defiantly getting bigger though. He takes up more space in his tub. He’s into size 1 diapers and the few Ns we have left will not fit anymore. Nikki and I also made some time to get some pictures of me with my beard to compare to an old shot of my Dad with his beard when he lived in Alaska. Pretty interesting to see the similarities between us.

Elias does Mt View.

Elias was all excited to go for a walk today. Nikki and I had wanted to walk both days this weekend but it was ~38º Saturday and breezy, so they stayed home while I went for a short bike ride. Today however it was much warmer out (not sure how warm) and there was no wind. We did the loop around the entire neighborhood and even brought Moseley. We saw a gorgeous swan back on the road to Allen’s Harbor. After the walk some good friends also came over to catch one of the NCAA games in high def. We had a great time watching the game and catching up with Cindy and Mark (Nikki works with Cindy). I even cooked taco salad for everyone. Elias was a bit fussy tonight though. We’re not sure what it is, but he just wouldn’t settle down. We think he may have been over tired because he was up for most of the walk, and up throughout a lot of the day. More so than normal. He did crash out at about 9pm though and is still out now as I write this…

Elias wet behind the ears.

Elias fresh out of the tub into a towel to get dried off. He seems to love the tub, but he doesn’t like being wet and naked so from the tub to the towel he gets upset… He seems to settle down a bit in the towel, but then gets real cozy when he’s back into snuggly cloths again. Oh to have everyone doing everything for you.

4 thoughts on “Elias Chillaxing with his Daddy!

  1. hey guys! Elias is getting a little bigger and still so cute. how are things going? getting sleep? things are good here, it’s finally getting warmer- in low 50’s sometimes. will give nikki a call soon…if you talk w/ cindy tell her i say hi.

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