Back from Acadia.

We’re Back!!! We had an excellent trip to Acadia this weekend. We had planned it out a few weeks ago and were really looking forward to the trip. It was planned with a few new friends from one of my other sites. The weather was a bit of a curve ball, but in the end I think it helped us get some fun shots on Sunday. We drove up Saturday morning arriving on the island just in time for the rain to start. We all went to the The Maples Inn (don’t let the website fool you, this is the best B&B we’ve ever been to!). We then drove all over the part in the rain scouting things for things to shoot Sunday. We had a blast, but I think we were all worried it wouldn’t clear up on Sunday. Saturday night we went to Reel Pizza. Talk about the best idea ever. It’s a pizza joint inside a movie theater. You order your food then sit inside the theater. There is a bingo board that lights up with the number when your food is ready. They also serve beer so it’s a win, win, win. We saw Bee Movie which was actually quite good.

We all woke up at 5:30am on Sunday morning hoping for sunrise shots from the top of Cadillac Mountain. We got to the road and it was closed. We frantically drove around looking for other ways onto the park loop with no luck (the sunrise was officially 6:14am). Luckily since there are also several towns on the island, there are also public roads as well as the park only roads. These were all open, so with some creative driving we were able to get out and see some awesome scenery. We had a great time shooting “the golden hour” until around 8:00 at which time we went back to the B&B for breakfast. Let me tell you The Maples Inn has one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had. We had French toast with Blueberry syrup. It was out of this world. I can see why he’s had his recipes used in restaurants.

After breakfast we loaded up the 3 cars and headed out. We shot throughout the park until around noon, then we headed home. It was great having sirius in the car as we listened to most of the Packers win, and all of the Patriots game. We got home my 8:00pm. For us it was 6:30 in travel time each way. The MINI was awesome as usual getting ~37mpg on the trip.

4 thoughts on “Back from Acadia.

  1. Amazing shots, Ben. I’ve been to Acadia 4 or 5 times and never seen the seas that rough. You captured the beauty of the place flawlessly.

  2. You have some great shots here, but I have to ask… How do you get all the text wrapped around your photos like that?? I get one line at the bottom but I can never get 5-9 lines next to a photo like that…
    I hope you’ll share… If you do I’ll share some of my photoshop secrets… If there are any you don’t have.. 🙂

  3. Dude! Acadia is MY stomping ground! I literally grew up there… every summer spent in Salisbury Cove, with dad working at MDIBL (Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory). I haven’t been there in a couple years, and I’m JEALOUS! And as if that weren’t enough, now you’re in Bermuda! Lucky dog… Hope you’re well.

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